
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Nailed It: Cruel Summer

Essie Lapiz of Luxury
Sally Hansen Mint Sprint

This should have been an easy manicure. However, clever me decided to leash the cat and sit in the sun while I did my nails. Bad idea. (I know- who would have thought that was a good idea?) I felt like the mother of an ornery two-year-old, jumping up every twenty seconds to deal with the cat. Finally he settled down and got to some serious grass-eating and I was able to finish up (and re-do) the nails. Ah.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Best Sunday

Beer and Lemonade. Naps with the cat. Magazines in the sun. Snacks. Balcalhau made by the husband. Wine (not pictured).

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Parabens a minha sogra!!!



Worn: Country Pink

Skirt: Forever21
Shirt: Express
Belt: Old Navy
Shoes: American Eagle
Bracelets: Vintage

I bought this skirt about ten years ago when Forever21 first opened near Philadelphia. I think it was my first Forever21 purchase that began my love affair with the store. What you can't see in photos is that the skirt is actually stretchy... which is good for someone like me who needs to move a lot at work. I've paired it with lots of tops and accessories over the years, but I still like to wear it best with a black tee.

Are you like me in that certain clothing items remind you of events or pastimes? This skirt is one of such items for me. I remember wearing it with a white tank at the beach in Wildwood soon after I got it. I remember wearing (with flip flops) it out to dinner in college with some girlfriends. I remember wearing it with a black top out to dinner in Cape May with my parents. I remember wearing it to my first day of work at the Delaware Art Museum. I remember... I remember... I remember......

Pink + Red | Everybody, Everywear

Friday, June 17, 2011

Worn: Summer Color


Dress: Unknown- I got it in Portugal
Blazer: Banana Republic
Bag: Vintage
Shoes: Steve Madden
Bracelets: Mix of vintage and H&M
Necklace: American Eagle

I bought this dress in Portugal two years ago for about 5 Euros. Want to know a little (maybe not so) secret? It's actually inside-out. I like to wear it inside out better than the way it was meant. A couple of times people have actually come up to me and said, "Excuse me miss but your dress is inside-out." And I'm like, "Yes, I know. Thank you."

Trust me, it just looks better this way.

Yellow | Everybody, Everywear

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Should I be airbrushing my thighs?


Maybe I'm oblivious, but since joining this site, I have never been more aware of my pasty-white, vieny, cottage cheese legs.

These ladies must be using their photoshop skills to tan and smooth their legs. Right?

I mean, who among us has perfect legs?

I had this roommate once who despite being the bitchiest, vainest, most detestable person I have ever known to date, had the most AMAZING legs. I still dream about her fabulous legs- but not in that creepy "I want to lick your legs" way but rather the "I really really wish god had given me your legs since I'm such a nicer person than you" way.

So yeah. Air brushing. Legs. Photoshop.

I can't help but recall the time I got a fake airbrush tan two years ago. Overall it was kinda a good experience despite having to get completely naked in front of a much-skinnier and prettier- than me stranger while I held my boobs up and got all up in my thighs. But the tan actually looked pretty good and definitely hid my flaws. Oh yeah and I didn't have to bake in the sun and endure sunburn and feverblisters along with the fear of skin cancer. Although I'm sure in ten years there will be someone with a study saying that spray tans cause cancer too.

Yeah, I think I'm just better off with photoshop.

Ah, how proud my artschool teachers would be to know that I'm using my $125K education to photoshop the cellulite off my thighs. I'm really successful. You're jealous.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Let's cut to the Lace.

Shirt: Express
Undershirt: Calvin Klein
Skirt: Target (it's a dress!)
Shoes: Vintage
Belt: Old Navy
Ring: Tarina Tarintino
Bracelet: I made it in college!

I had a bunch of corny titles for this post: Lacey Gaga, Lace Ace, Lace Pace, Lace Face (that was the worst one), The place for Lace, Lacey Love, lovely Lace... I think you get the picture.

So here's my post for this month's Everybody Everywhere. (I really like that site.) I bought this lace shirt months ago, but it has taken a while to really find the right way to wear it and the right pieces to pair it with. I do love the feminine feel that lace gives and also how it really makes an outfit look fancy. Since I have a tendency to dress things down, this lace shirt does the trick without me even having to try.

Oh and if you're wondering about my nails, click here.

Polka Dots | Everybody, Everywear

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Nailed it: Pink Polka

I used my new Konad stamper kit for these!!

Base: Sally Hansen Cafe au Lait
Polka Dots: Kiss Nail Art Paint Bikini Pink

Friday, June 03, 2011

Nail Fail

I did this last weekend, and immediately wanted to get out the polish remover. But before I went to town with the acetone police, I decided to snap a few pics for my first (virtual) nail fail. I'm sure I will make this a regular part of my posts, as I really do have nail fails. I'm not all rainbows and butterflies and I know it's hard to fathom, but I too make mistakes. Even with my nails.

Though, now that I'm looking at these photos I'm not sure it really was a fail. What do you think?

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Nail Stamps: The Verdict is In...

So the nail stamp, scraper and plates that I ordered came in! (Read about it here.) I was so excited to try them that I recorded my first experience with them for your viewing pleasure.....

Without reading any directions and pretty-much not knowing much at all about the process, I did a pretty good job. This process couldn't be easier.

Although I have to say, maybe I'm a snob but something kind of doesn't feel right about this. Doesn't it seem like cheating? I mean, it's SO EASY. Perhaps it's the artist in me, but for some reason there's a part of me that still thinks I should be attempting to make all these teeny tiny nail designs by hand. I Know, I know. I'm being impossible.