
Monday, April 18, 2011

The Master Plan

I'm having a bad day. And a day of self-evaluation and reflection. So, feeling inspired by this Life List over at AB Chao, I decided to write my own.

Here goes...

Vacation in Iceland
Scream into a great abyss
Go sailing in Nice
Speak Portuguese fluently
Run the Broad Street Run
Buy a modern apartment in Lisboa
Sell a painting for more than $500
Own a vineyard and work there (and only there)
Tell off the many people who make me feel like an ant
Become a full-time painter (or designer or illustrator or blogger)
Become a yoga master
Be nicer
Have a baby
Run a marathon
Move to the West Coast
Re-landscape my backyard into a beautiful and relaxing retreat
Have peace of mind
Quit my job
Grow my hair long again
Be heard
Go camping in Texas
Get an MFA
Have more than 100 followers on my blog
Be a cast member on SNL
Live in the EU
Live in the country and live off the land
Plant and cultivate my own vegetable garden
Go to a Punjabi wedding
Have a solo exhibition at the Whitney Museum
Take an entire month to myself
Get pregnant the old-fashioned way
Have a real conversation with my mother in-law
Take salsa lessons again
Buy a brand-new car
See my Nanny again
Own and operate a candy store
Ride the Giant slide from Morey's Pier again
Buy a really good camera
Buy a tripod
Design my own line of clothing or shoes


I will, no doubt, be adding to this list on an on-going basis.

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